Youngor Yeanue commented on Contact 2019-10-16 06:40:16 -0400Good morning children of Mama Liberia.This is Youngor Quaqua Yeanue. I am not a politician but interested in the candidate that is going to move Liberia to the promised Land of sincerity, love, unity, putting Liberia and it’s people first, believe in development, and move Liberia to a bright and better future.
We all need to work together to make this dream become a reality. We can not sit back, look, talk, criticize, not even asking God to guide us within the process, and we expect to see Liberia moving forward.
Unity and love are the two key words that we need to hold on to make this dream to become reality.
Our people have the mindset of seeing is believing. What you do is what matters to them.
I am a Liberian and one of those who have Liberia at heart.That’s why I have made all these sacrifices in many years to see the Liberian children achieve quality education and compensate teachers from my own personal budget just to make sure that the Liberian children have the opportunity to go to school.
I built Young Christian Academy School in 2001, right after the war in Liberia for less privileged children and low income parents children which the school is up to junior high level and hoping to extend the building to give opportunity to children of all grades level achieve quality education.
The foundation had already been established. All we need to do is to improve the school system, bring in more educational programs for the kids and people of Liberia which will encourage them to Know that we are standing for a cause and definitely, everyone will come on board.
You don’t have to rent, neither buy a place. All we need to do is to add to what we have established to make it better for the Liberian children and people that are within the Liberian community.
The school called Young Christian Academy Elementary and junior High School, is the less tuition paid institution based on the background from which the school was established by giving opportunity to all Liberian children achieve quality education.
Young Christian Academy School is in Jacob’s Town Paynesville, Leklay Town Community, Lower Johnsonville.
I also have a charity organization called Yeanue Outreach Inc.
This organization was registered to give the opportunity to solicit for funding for the school in Liberia and around the world as well.
You can visit the website at, www.yeanueoutreach.org to give your donation if God bless your heart to do so as well and our email is, [email protected]
and contact number is, 321-945-3599
Thanks very much for all that you do for the Liberian people and the world.
Sincerely yours,
Youngor Quaqua YeanueContact
+1 404-548-8584Liberia
+231 777 744342