We need to be more strategic by decentralizing our mobilization and recruit policy in order to have more constituents and strong holds in the rural Liberia in order for our dream and vision of Mr. Cummings to be president comes October can come to reality. We can organize sport tournaments in selected counties that are highly populated with eligible voters. We can buy footballs and Jerseys, and copybooks as a project and distribute them on students in selected schools in the rural areas as Montserrado is an elephant meat that almost everybody will have it cut.
Also we have to empower those in the social media so that every activity of Mr. Cummings and other necessary promotes can be seen on the social media. Empowerment like giving them logistical supports such as Tablets, smart phones or Laptop computers for use by them on a daily basis.The reason is that in Liberia people almost always go on the Facebook even when they are in church. We are willing and ready to implement any projects and programs that our expertise is needed. Also to Proffer any ideas that are indispensable to mobilization and recruitment.
Stephen F. Freeman commented
2017-01-30 22:59:38 -0500
Mr. Cummings, congratulations to you and our party ANC. Liberians let us unite to make a difference; this election is very important . It is time that we the people who have Liberia at heart join with Mr. Cummings and the ANC party to increase the momentum to victory. Liberia is a prosperous country; but poor leadership, irrational policies, recycled & incompetent politicians, corruption and other ills have put our beloved country in a position of insolvency. Liberia will be great again if we the people can make a difference in this very critical election; do not sit idle let your voices be heard; elect a President who has the passion, drive and the requisites to lead and govern. Mr. Alexander B. Cummings is that leader.
Showing 267 reactions
I don’t know you from any where but my spirit tells me that you are the right person.
In Union strong success is sure we will over all prevail !!!!! Go Cummings!
Also we have to empower those in the social media so that every activity of Mr. Cummings and other necessary promotes can be seen on the social media. Empowerment like giving them logistical supports such as Tablets, smart phones or Laptop computers for use by them on a daily basis.The reason is that in Liberia people almost always go on the Facebook even when they are in church. We are willing and ready to implement any projects and programs that our expertise is needed. Also to Proffer any ideas that are indispensable to mobilization and recruitment.